Parent Couple’s Therapy.

Helping the Couple.

Couples need support in order to face the challenges of parenting today, especially when dealing with a child who has emotional and behavioral issues, which can strain couples. The connection between our child’s wellness and a parents wellness is directly influenced by each other. Each of us brings our own history, emotions, and approaches to parenting. These differences, combined with the stress of raising a child, can affect communication and connection between partners. Daily family stresses might overshadow the relationship making it hard to attend to each other resulting in more disagreements in parenting and unresolved hurt feelings. Struggles in the parental relationship can result in reduced support for the child, adding tension and stress to the couple. We assist parent couples in bridging conflicts, enhancing communication, and reestablishing bonds. At The Be Center, we are dedicated to helping you rebuild, grow, and heal as a couple. You are the leader of your family, and even leaders need support.

Couple Stressors

Financial problems

Lack of intimacy

Communication problems

Different expectations

Family issues

Individual mental health

Childhood issues

Couple History


Child Stressors

Mental health


Sibling conflict

Peer conflict

Developmental challenges

Emotional dysregulation

Behavioral dysregulation

Low self directed behavior


The journey to a different path always begins with a small step.