Frequently asked questions.


  • Our services focus exclusively on supporting parents. We offer a variety of services to address the different levels of support needed by each family. Parents work with our clinicians to select the best services for their families. Our services include:

    Parent Coaching Foundational: The Foundational is designed to be the first step into parent coaching as it is an introduction to parent skills groups and individualized parent coaching. During this 6 hour workshop (two 3-hour sessions scheduled one week apart), parents learn about the transactional model of emotion dysregulation, common parenting myths that influence parenting, and basic assumptions in DBT parent coaching. During Day 1, parents also learn the most important tool in parent coaching, how to complete a chain analysis to understand their own emotional and behavioral responses. During Day 2, parents receive supportive feedback on their chains to ensure they have a complete understanding of how to do an effective chain analysis and identify their own target behaviors. Parents also learn five new skills and discuss how each skill can be used to break their individual chains. The small group size allows each parent to receive feedback as they create an initial skill plan for their chain.

    Workshops by Topic: Standalone workshops are typically 1-2 sessions focused on a specific topic (e.g. Validation, Coping Ahead for Transitions, etc.) The workshops are a great opportunity for parents looking to improve their skills/knowledge, or those who are getting services in other programs, including comprehensive DBT programs. These workshops are usually a mix of didactic and hands-on skill application. Workshops are open to all parents in any geographical area, but attendance at the Foundational Workshop is highly encouraged prior to taking other workshops.

    Parent Coaching Skills Group: this weekly 90-min group focuses on helping parents learn new skills and apply with a hands-on and collaborative approach. During each session, parents bring and discuss a chain analysis from a recent transaction and discuss skills that they can use to “break” their chain with assistance from two DBT clinicians and other parents. Parents learn from each other’s chains in a supportive and validating environment. The last 30 minutes of each group is reserved for the teaching of a new skill. Parents receive a handout and practice worksheet for each group. Unlike other DBT skills groups, our group is largely focused on skill application, and parents quickly gain both knowledge and mastery of the skills. The skills taught are DBT skills, however, the handouts and worksheets are exclusive to TBC. Our materials were developed with the needs of parents in mind, and focus on breaking each skill down into clear steps so that parents can feel ready and empowered to apply the skills right away. Parents are required to attend the Foundational Workshop prior to beginning the group. A minimum of 6-week commitment is also required. Parent Coaching Group runs in 6-week modules focused around specific themes and skills, including Foundations of Emotion, Building a Parental Wise Mind, Balanced Behavior Change, Acceptance and Grief, Understanding Parental Trauma, and more.

  • Having a child, adolescent or young adult struggling with mental health is a challenge that few parents are prepared to handle. Parents are often left out or under supported during the treatment of their child/young adult; this leaves parents confused, lost and alone, not knowing what they can do or how they can respond. Parent Coaching is an innovative approach aimed at supporting parents. Parents work with a clinician - or “coach” – on a weekly basis to identify and understand the unique challenges that are leading to your family’s conflict or distress. During parent coaching sessions, parents will learn and apply a variety of skills that will help empower them to respond to challenges more effectively. Parent coaching targets areas such as parent burn out, behavioral responses, family conflict, managing emotions, parenting dilemmas, emotional avoidance, aggression, trauma, suicidal ideation, connection, and much more. To get started with parent coaching, register for the Parent Coaching Foundational or contact us for more information.

  • We utilize a stepped care approach to best serve the needs of families. Different families require different levels of support. In our experience, some families benefit from the workshops alone to learn new skills or get a skills refresher, while others need more comprehensive services. New parents are required to attend the Parent Coaching Foundational as part of process to begin individualized parent coaching or the Parent Coaching Group. All families will work closely with a highly trained clinician to determine the best services to meet their needs.

  • Traditional DBT skills groups for parents focus on teaching new skills that adolescents and young adults are learning in their own treatment, while other skill groups provide a bit more focus on how parents can use the skills themselves. Our Parent Coaching Skills Group takes a different approach: we simultaneously help parents learn and apply DBT skills geared entirely towards empowering parents to more effectively respond to and manage difficult transactions in their families. The group utilizes a combination of collaboration and skill acquisition among a supportive group of parents.

  • If you are interested in getting started, register for the next Parent Coaching Foundational posted on the website. Simply click which services you are interested in receiving. This will get you started on admission process for parent coaching. You will be contacted by our Administrative Assistant who will set up a 15-20 minute intake call to answer any questions you have and gather some information to assess if The Be Center services you are interested in are a good fit for your situation. If you know that you are interested in pursuing parent coaching or group, you are welcome to schedule a Parent Coaching Evaluation with one of our intensively trained or certified DBT clinicians. The evaluation can take place before you participate in the Parent Coaching Foundational or for the first session or two of your parent coaching with your assigned parent coach.

  • The Be Center does not contract with any insurance companies. Many of our services are psychoeducational services and can be provided to parents in any geographical location.

    Some insurance plans (e.g., PPO plans) may offer reimbursement for out-of-network services. To determine what out-of-network coverage you have, you can contact your insurance company directly. If you are interested in submitting service claims to your insurance company for reimbursement, you must reside in a state in which the clinicians are licensed, which currently includes Massachusetts and Nevada (soon expanding to other states). In order to be eligible for insurance reimbursement, you must undergo a clinical diagnostic evaluation, have a diagnostic code, and meet criteria with your insurance company.

  • We are able to get families started with our services right away. We occasionally have a waitlist for individual parent coaching sessions.

  • We require all parents to attend the Parent Coaching Foundational as part of the admission process for Parent coaching and Parent coaching skills group. This is the first step at getting support and accessing services. When you sign up for Parent Coaching or Group you will be asked to register for our Parent Coaching Foundational. We have found that this is both a time and cost effective way to get parents started. The Foundational was designed to give parents the most important knowledge and skills to get the most out of their individual coaching sessions and skills group right away.

  • Our team would be happy to help you identify what services are best for your family. You can schedule a free phone consultation to learn more about the services we offer. You also have the option to schedule an Initial Assessment, where one of our providers will conduct an in-depth assessment of your family’s needs and make specific recommendations to help you reach your goals.

  • We have worked in the treatment of adolescents and young adults for many years, including family therapy. Our experience and the research suggests that when parents are learning skills and are empowered, not only is family therapy more effective but adolescents and young adults can get more gains in their own treatment! Starting with parent coaching allows parents to learn important skills needed to effectively tackle the often difficult and painful topics discussed in family sessions. We require all parents to be in parent coaching to be eligible for family therapy. We do not provide stand alone family therapy.

  • Yes. The Be Center’s services are conducted entirely over Telehealth.

  • Our group requires a minimum of 6-week commitment. Workshops require attendance for the entire length of the workshop. For individual parent coaching, parents work with their coach to develop a plan to meet each parent’s goals.