Parent Individual Therapy

Helping the person

Our personal history and current mental health impacts our ability to help our child when they are struggling. Also, when our child is struggling, this affects our current mental health as a parent. These areas are connected and can make it harder to be present and effective in your life and with your child.

We all want to help our child be successful and often believe we need to sacrifice our own well-being to do this. Yet as parents, who are also people, we have our own history, childhood experiences, mental health, and emotional needs. We all need a place to talk about how we are feeling, to work through the stress and exhaustion of everyday challenges. Many parents these days have their own mental health struggles such as: Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, Compassion Fatigue, Trauma, and other issues. We at The Be Center believe by helping ourselves we can be better able to help our child and family. We are here to help you navigate these challenges in order to build a more meaningful life, be more present, and effective with your family. Parent individual therapy can be standalone or in conjunction with parent coaching. The better you are, the better you can help your child. Let us help you. We ask all parents, regardless of service, attend our Parent Coaching Foundation. We are here to help support you.

Our personal history and current well being impacts our ability to face challenges and navigate the world.

These include:

Our own childhood

Current mental health

Stress levels


Past parenting model

Family mental health history

Financial stress

Marital stress

Physical health

Our own skills

Trauma history

The Person

Our child’s mental health struggles and family functioning impacts our own mental health and ability to be an effective parent.

These include:

Family conflict

My child’s level of distress

Level of supports in place

How well my child is doing

My child’s skills

A child who has anxiety, depression, and behavioral struggles

School pressure

Sibling conflict

Environmental demands

Parenting disagreements

“Only when we care for ourself are we able to care for others effectively”